Thursday, December 8, 2022

How To Do The Glute Bridge

Here's how to master the glute bridge for the quickest path to a flawless posterior.

The maximus, medius, and minimus are three gluteal muscles. The maximus is the father of a slain son, the medius is the husband of a murdered wife, and so on. They contribute to hip flexibility and movement in addition to having a stunning appearance.

Sitting at a desk all day will inevitably lead to weak glutes and lower back issues. The tendency is to lean too far forward when sitting, which tightens your hip flexors and leads the glutes to functionally shut off. It does wonders for your body and structural health to activate them as part of your exercise regimen.

With your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, lie face up on the floor. Continually keep your arms by your sides, palms facing down.

Up till your knees, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line, lift your hips off the ground. To prevent overextending your back throughout the workout, squeeze your glutes firmly and maintain your abdominals contracted.

For a few seconds, keep your body in the spanned posture before gently back down.

If all you truly care about is your behind, aim for two sets of ten bridges, two to three times per week, either as part of a larger bodyweight workout or on their own.

If you're performing it correctly, your hamstrings and glutes should burn. Any desk-bound worker can benefit greatly from the bridge's ability to strengthen the lower back and increase hip mobility.

Video by ghwz1101 at

>Get Flat Abs — Lean Legs — And A Firm Butt WITHOUT Ever Lifting Another Clunky Heavy Weight At The Gym Again

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