Saturday, November 24, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018
Banned fat loss bible gone TONIGHT?
You cannot find this book at your local bookstore. Facebook even banned the author's personal page!
But it gets worse.
The author is getting heat for making this information available so he’s not sure how much longer this will remain online.
Which means it could be your last chance to grab the underground fat loss bible before it’s gone FOREVER.
Here's a short list of what's inside this book...
- The 3-day jump start - how to lose up to 8.8 pounds in the first 3 days thanks to an unusual experiment
- How to smash through the little-known "cycle of sadness" that keeps most people fat and unhappy
- How to use alcohol (if you choose) to accelerate overnight fat burning
- An all-natural method for boosting growth hormone by 512%
- Why some of the world's most ripped fitness models chew nicotine gum (this is optional, you do NOT need to attempt this controversial technique to get lean)
- How to use "dirty dreams" for faster fat loss
- Why chewing up a baby aspirin before your next workout can actually boost your metabolism by 37%
- How a reclusive multi-millionaire figured out a strange "hack" that allows you to avoid the dreaded weight-loss plateau, and how you can copy this trick for free.
And much, much more..
Hands down, it's the best damn fat loss book in the history of the universe.