There is no substitute for a healthy diet as you are what you eat. Radiant health shows not only in the rosy glow of your skin and the healthy bounce of your hair, but also in the vitality of your nails. When the balance of health is disrupted, the first signs actually appear on your nails.
Have a look at your nails. Are they discolored, brittle or jagged around the edges? If they are, you just may not be getting the right nutrients into your body despite eating well and consuming supplements.
Here are a few tips that will help you have great nails and good health.
Nail Nutrition 101
* Water, the essence of life, is a must in your diet. Consuming enough water and other liquids is vital if you want to avoid chips and cracks in your nails. Fresh carrot juice is excellent for strengthening nails, as it is rich in both calcium and phosphorous.
* Broccoli, onions, soy and papaya are rich in sulphur, biotin and silicon essential in nail-building materials. Do eat more servings of vegetables and fruits at meal times as this boosts your intake of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which will keep shabby looking nails at bay.
* Ensure a healthy daily intake of calcium, protein and zinc. White bands and spots on your nails are a clear indication that these elements are lacking in your system. They also tend to make your nails look diseased, so do include these basic nutrients to add a glossy sheen to your nails.
* Consider including royal jelly, spirulina and kelp in your intake. These supplements are rich in silica, zinc and vitamin B, which help nails grow strong and healthy.
* Do not forget to include protein, folic acid and the all-essential vitamin C in your dietary intake because a depletion of any one of these nutrients can cause very painful episodes of hangnails the annoying, little triangular splits of skin around the fingernails.
* Curved and darkish looking nails can be avoided by ensuring a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in your system, while reddish-looking skin around your cuticles may indicate that something is not quite on par as far as your metabolism rate is concerned.
Facts To Remember
You can tremendously improve the health of your nails by remembering that the greatest foes of healthy nails are harsh detergents and water.
This deadly combination actually causes stress upon nail fibres, which eventually lead to split or brittle nails. The best thing you can do and do religiously is to don a pair of rubber gloves while you clean or do the dishes.
You should also know that filing the corner of your nails is a big no-no. This will weaken the nails and they will break more easily as a result. So if your manicurist insists that the latest trend requires you to file those corners, then its about time you change your nail care attendant.
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