Causes of weakening vaginal muscles
– Lack of exercise
– Been through many pregnancies
– Growing age
– Being overweight
Ways to do Kegel exercise
– One of the easiest ways to do this is to contract the vagina and then relax. Repeat this at least 20-400 times a day depending on your strength.
– The other method is to avoid using your stomach, leg, back or buttock muscles while doing this exercise. Breathe slowly and deeply. If your abdominal muscles move while doing this asana you are doing it the right way. The movement of your leg and buttocks muscles means you are in the wrong direction.
– Gadgets are also available in the market which would help you exercise the right muscles.
Easy to do
– This exercise hardly takes any time and you can do it anywhere. Standing in a bus queue, while watching TV, lying down, walking and pretty much while doing anything else.
It is better to start early and maintain the strength of your vagina muscles. As you grow older, particularly during menopause, the muscles are weakened.
Need to do it
We give lot of attention to our external look by doing number of exercises. Kegel exercise helps us improving our body internally. This exercise, if done in a proper and regular fashion, provides great results. This exercise may not work wonders overnight but by regular practice it will surely reap results. Some may notice changes within two weeks.
How to find the right muscle?
If you have no clue which muscle we are talking about then the answer is the one which is used while you pee. The muscle that helps you control your urinal release, i.e. start and stop urination is the pubococcygeus muscle. One should avoid doing Kegel exercise while urinating.
Is this the right muscle?
The tightening of the vagina on a squeeze by your finger would tell that you are exercising the right muscles.
Benefits of doing Kegel exercise
– An enjoyable and painless way to reach orgasm
– It makes your orgasm stronger and better
– It prevents prolapse and incontinence
– Childbirth becomes much easier and the muscles regain their strength very quickly after birth
– Would increase your confidence level
– More control in bed
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Flying Chicken: The Latest Innovation of Kegel Exercises
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