The Ingredients of Brain Pill
Brain Pill is that natural smart pill everyone is talking about it. You know the one – it’s a nootropic from Leading Edge Health that seems to give people better memory and that other stuff.
That ‘other stuff’ is higher intelligence and the ability to learn new skills. That’s because a sharp memory is a good measure of cognitive function. The better your memory, the better your brain function.
This is made possible with the ingredients in Brain Pill. Indeed, the cognitive booster employs an all-star team of natural nootropics that boost alertness, enhance memory and keep the brain in top form. Pop the hood and you’ll find:
Cognizine – This is a water-soluble compound that occurs naturally in every cell in your body. It plays a major role in brain function, and shows improved concentration, focus and accuracy. You may also have better performance and speed on cognitive tests as well.
Synapsa – This is a standardized extract of bacopa monnieiri – a nootropic herbs with numerous studies that link it to better working memory and visual processing speed. A 1996 study found it reduced time to learn new skills by almost 50%.
Huperzine A – A plant native to India, huperzine is believed to reduce breakdown of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which increases alertness and plays a key role in memory and transmission of chemical messages between cells.
Vinpocetine – Vinpocetine is an extract of the periwinkle plant and well-recognized for its memory-boosting potential. Studies suggest that vinpocetine helps vascular circulation in the brain, increases production of ATP and improves the brain’s use of oxygen and glucose.
Ginkgo Biloba – This ancient Chinese herb enjoys a long history of use for its memory-boosting effects. Turns out the ancients knew their stuff – modern studies link ginkgo biloba to significant improvements in short-term memory, mental performance and social functioning.
Vitamin B12 – A British study published in the journal Neurology found that folks with low vitamin B12 were six times more likely to have brain atrophy compared to people with highest levels. Further studies of vitamin B12 link this essential water-soluble vitamin to higher cognition, performance and both episodic and semantic memory.
DHA Complex – DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid. Yes, you’ve heard of those and the brain-boosting benefits linked to then – among other things, DHA works with other omega-3s to fluidize proteins, which is essential to help the brain create and retain its memory.
Phosphatidylserine – Speaking of ‘other’ omega-3 fatty acids, phosphatidylserine (PS) is one of them. It works with DHA to perform many essential brain functions and is linked to improved concentration, mood and short-term memory. PS appears to help function of neurotransmitters, enhance glucose absorption and simply ‘turn back the clock’ on the aging brain.
Tyrosine - Tyrosine is an amino acid that boosts dopamine – a pleasure chemical that helps you focus. It’s also a precursor to brain chemicals norepinephrine and adrenaline, both of which help mood, sex drive and energy levels. Tyrosine may help you stay calm under pressure too, and may even help you sleep better if you feel in the dumps.
Theanine – Another amino acid, typically found in green tea, studies suggest that theanine improves learning and memory. Theanine may have a neuro-protective effect on the brain, and appears to stimulate the same brain waves that are activated when you meditate.
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) – Pantothenic acid is an essential nutrient that supports an important neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. The latter is sometimes called ‘the memory chemical’ because of the role it plays in brain function.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) – Your body uses folic acid to help make DNA and RNA and works with vitamin B12 to make red blood cells and use iron throughout the body. It’s nothing short of poetry for your brain – evidence suggests B vitamins like folic acid may have slower cognitive decline than other folks. That’s why it’s front row and center in the Brain Pill formula!
Try Brain Pill to improve your memory. Combine it with the memory-boosting tips we’ve discussed in this article, and you really do have an unfair advantage. Your memory will like it too, and you may finally have a solution to that pain-in-the-butt issue of where you left your keys!

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