Illuminatural 6i Skin Brightener Review
Skin products do very well at the cash register. Let's face it, skin is sexy. And one of the top sellers in this lucrative industry are skin brightening products, which, as you'd expect, brighten the skin.
The problem with most skin brightening products is that they're laden with dangerous chemicals and toxic agents, including steroids, hyrdoquinone and especially mercury. Enter the natural skin brightener, a skin lightening product formulated with botanicals and natural exfoliants.
Illuminatural 6i by the Skinception line of skin care products is one of the few skin brighteners available today with no toxic ingredients or dangerous chemicals in its formula. Customer reviews thus far, as with most products by Skinception, have been positive.
What Illuminatural 6i Does
A skin lightener is designed to lighten the skin, for a more even complexion and with reduced visibility of skin blemishes. With that in consideration, Illuminatural 6i is designed to reduce the appearance of:
- moles
- age spots
- freckles
- birth marks
- sun damage
- acne scars
- melasma
To achieve this, a skin lightener must inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme that stimulates the melanocyte skin cells that produce melanin – the dark pigment. Excessive melanin is responsible for skin blotchiness, uneven skin tone and dark spots. Excess melanin can also be called hyperpigmentation.
In addition, a skin lightener needs to exfoliate the dark pigmented cells to encourage newer, bright skin cells to reach the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis.
Illuminatural 6i is designed to perform both of these functions – inhibit the enzyme responsible for hyperpigmentation and exfoliate the skin in a safe yet effective manner. Thus far, consumer reviews indicate it's a less painful and more convenient way to exfoliate the skin than by using a chemical peel.
The Formula
Illuminatural 6i is a natural skin lightener. As such, it consists primarily of gentle skin lighteners, plant-derived active ingredients and natural exfoliants. Of the more notable ingredients in its formula, you'll find:
Niacinamide – A form of vitamin B3, niacinamide is involved in over 200 enzymatic reactions and can significantly reduce hyperpigmentation, often in less than a month.
Alpha-Arbutin – Derived from berries and fruits, alpha-arbutin is proven to reduce melanin by up to 70% and is a safer, more natural alternative to common skin bleachers. In a chinese study, researchers found that women who used alpha-arbutin experienced 60% more skin lightening effects than achieved with hydroquinone.
Beta Glucan – Considered a natural alternative to Botox, beta glucan helps natural turn over of dead skin cells and promotes health of macrophages, which are the cells that destroy dead or mutated skin cells.
Customer Feedback
Thus far, reviews and customer feedback of Illuminatural 6i have been very positive. Consumers have embraced the product as a safer alternative to skin brighteners with hydroquinone and particularly mercury, which is linked to neurological, psychological and kidney problems.
Adding to that last point, it's not uncommon for consumers to apply a skin lightening product to the entire body, for months and even years, in an effort to lighten the complexion and reduce visibility of skin blemishes, including blotchiness, sun damage, acne scars and age spots.
Engaging in this practice with a conventional skin lightener with mercury – and estimates suggest that one in four skin lightening products sold in the Unites States is formulated with this toxic agent – elevates risk of mercury poisoning, which, in pregnant women, can be passed along to their unborn child.
With Illuminatural, customer surveys indicate that many consumers continue to bleach most of their skin, yet appreciate that, being without mercury, hydroquinone, steroids or harmful chemicals, appears to be much safer than with common skin brighteners.
Should You Buy Illuminatural 6i?
If you have skin blemishes, dark spots, uneven complexion and you'd like to do something about it, you might consider Illuminatural 6i as a safe and natural alternative to most skin lightening products on the market today.
You might also take comfort in knowing that it's offered by Skinception, a well-known brand of popular skin care products that blend natural ingredients with patented peptides and that keep paraben content to a minimum.
Reviews will be ongoing with Illuminatural 6i, of course, and it remains to be seen whether consumers will flock to Illuminatural or continue with common, if not riskier skin lightening products.
But it is encouraging to know that there is now a natural skin lightening product on the market, that delivers what it claims, with a notable reduction in skin blemishes and brighter, more even complexion, and that reviews so far are very positive about Illuminatural 6i.

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