Saturday, December 26, 2020
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Why Do Stretch Marks Form?
Inevitably, no matter how beautiful your skin may be today, you will develop stretch marks. Although painless, stretch marks are both unsightly and a potential source of embarrassment. For the most part, you are stuck with stretch marks unless you opt for expensive laser therapy or perhaps dermabrasion. But why exactly do stretch marks form in the first place?
Your skin is made up of 3 layers. The outer layer is known as the epidermis and its main purpose is to prevent foreign agents from invading your body. The second layer is the dermis and it is comprised of collagen and elastic fibers which combine to give your skin its smooth appearance. The last layer is called the hypodermis and it is mostly made up of fat and various tissues.
Stretch marks, also known as stria atrophica, form in the dermis layer of your skin. In fact, stretch marks are literally tears in the dermis. Now stretch marks should not be confused with scars, although they do appear quite similar when looking at them. Scars are made of fibrotic tissue which is simply not present in stretch marks.
As stated earlier, the dermis produces elastic fibers. These special fibers are what allows your skin to stretchbasically, they give the skin its elasticity. Stretch marks form when the skin grows faster than the elastic fibers can handle. Rapid growth weakens a skins elasticity and can actually break the connective fibers holding it together.
Now it is possible for stretch marks to form even when rapid growth is not present. This happens generally because of poor diet. Improper nutrition will deprive the body of the raw materials it needs to maintain healthy, elastic skin. Smoking is another factor that may cause stretch marks because it will also cause the skins elasticity to weaken. However, some growth will be necessary for stretch marks to form even when poor nutrition or smoking are factors.
Stretch marks are very common problems associated with pregnancy because this is a period of rapid growth for women. Any period of rapid weight gain will most likely be accompanied by stretch marks and they are common factors in obesity. However, it is possible for heredity to be a factor as some people have proven more prone to stretch marks than others.
The discoloring present with new stretch marks will eventually fade. Eventually, a stretch mark will appear almost identical to a scar. However, as stated earlier, stretch marks and scars are very different phenomena and caused by very different factors.
So, while stretch marks can be embarrassing and unsightly at first, the fact remains that they are painless. Many of us acquire these unsightly stretch marks as we lose our baby fat and enter into puberty and a period of rapid growth. Therefore, they are nothing to be overly self-conscious about because we all end up with them at some point. The best defense against stretch marks is eating a healthy, well-balanced diet which should keep the skin healthy and prevent periods of rapid weight gain.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Pills for Breast Enhancement
Search the internet for breast enhancement and you will find many sites that sell a breast enhancement pill. The breast enhancement pill usually contains plant estrogen. Plant estrogens can stimulate breast growth. Though it is an estrogen, it is not the same estrogen a medical doctor prescribes.
Taking a breast enhancement pill sounds much better than surgery. Though many people are pleased with the results of implants, surgery always has risks. A breast enhancement pill costs much less than surgery and leaves no scars. You do not have to worry about recovery time with a breast enhancement pill.
Users who like taking a breast enhancement pill say that an advantage is better control over the end result. You have no control over surgery once it’s over. With a breast enhancement pill, you can stop taking it when you reach your desired size.
You may wonder if there are any risks to taking a breast enhancement pill. As with any supplement, you should research and talk to others who have used a breast enhancement pill. You may find that different companies offer a different combination of herbs in their breast enhancement pill. You will want to know the ingredients of any breast enhancement pill so you can research it for safety. Knowing the ingredients in anything you swallow is especially important if you have any allergies.
Many women choose a breast enhancement pill in order to feel better about their looks without undergoing surgery. If you are considering breast enhancement without surgery, research all the options. Research the ingredients in any breast enhancement pill you are considering. Find out how effective it is, and what side effects there may be. This is how you find the best breast enhancement pill for you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
7 Reasons to Use a Male Desensitizer Spray
7 Reasons to Use a Male Desensitizer Spray
Leave it to the folks who made VigRX Plus to take a new technology and make it something amazing. Steve Jobs did it with the mp3 player and turned it upside down with some product called an iPod that everyone said would fail. Now Leading Edge Health has done it with their new male desensitizer spray – VigRX Delay Spray – which helps guys last longer in bed.
What camp are you in? If you think you don't need a male desensitizer spray, consider this: VigRX Delay Spray turns sex into something ecstatic. Some guys to illegal things for this kind of pleasure (yes, it's one of those 'sexual secrets' that guys tell you about).
And if you've already used a male desensitizer spray, here's why you'll want to switch to VigRX Delay Spray:
Buy VigRX Delay Spray
You'll Last Longer – The most obvious benefit of VigRX Delay Spray is that you'll last longer in bed. But VigRX Delay Spray departs from other so-called male desensitizers because it uses benzocaine rather than lidocaine, which many guys find works better than the latter.
You'll Extend Your Pleasure – We're gonna get a little suggestive here for a moment. Have you ever received oral sex and your partner teased you so well you wanted to make that pleasure last forever? Use VigRX Delay Spray and that's precisely what happens. Look up 'edging blowjob' – then consider how long you'll get that ecstacy with this top-rated product.
You'll Set Records – Studies suggest the average man lasts five and a half minutes from the moment he penetrates until he ejaculates. If you're below that – and many guys are – a male desensitizer spray can get you where you want to be. In fact, it's not impossible you'll last two, even three times longer with VigRX Delay Spray.

You'll Make Her Cum – Half of this is about her. Don't neglect that – a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found almost half of women felt sexually distressed. Give here what she wants by lasting long enough for her to orgasm. Use VigRX Delay Spray enough and see how many climaxes you give her before you choose to ejaculate.
You'll Have Greater Intimacy – The sex will be amazing, and so will your relationship. You'll take a trip with your partner in the bedroom with a male desensitizer like VigRX Delay Spray, and it will take your relationship to exciting new places.
You'll Do It Discreetly – You don't need a prescription to buy VigRX Delay Spray. It's discreet – just buy the product online and it's shipped to you in a box that doesn't reveal what's inside. No one has to know what's inside. VigRX Delay Spray is simply there, quietly working for your sex life at all times.
You'll Do It Quickly – Apply a male desensitizer spray and you're good to go in 10 minutes or less. That's because it quickly absorbs into your penis and tells the nerves to relax. That's it – just 10 minutes. Then you're ready and randy, and up for a whole lot of fun.
Use With VigRX Plus to Double Your Pleasure
A male desensitizer spray is designed to help you last longer in the bedroom. By itself, it's amazing and can transform your sex life. But if you really want to max out your pleasure, use VigRX Delay Spray with VigRX Plus.
The logic is simple. VigRX Delay Spray is a male desensitizer that helps you last long enough to ejaculate when you want. Yet you already know about VigRX Plus – it's the top-selling libido pill for guys and one of the very few with clinical studies to vouch for results.
One of those results should really grab your attention; VigRX Plus is clinically proven to increase sexual and intercourse satisfaction by over 71%.
Put another way, you'll last longer and have sex a lot more often. And that sex is nothing shy of astounding when you use VigRX Delay Spray with VigRX Plus.
Click here to find out more!Sunday, November 8, 2020
The Different Types Of Incontinence Symptoms Explained
There are different ways to classify incontinence by dividing it between stress and urge related incontinence.
Urge incontinence is a state in which you know that you want to urinate but you just cant hold it to reach the restroom even for a short time. With urge incontinence, you can feel the leakage coming. Theres no way to hold it longer, and if you try to run fast to the bathroom, the more likely you are to urinate prematurely. This condition is found after a bladder surgery and also radiation therapy and when females reach the postmenopausal stage. The withdrawal of their estrogen can result in urge incontinence developing.
Stress Incontinence is the most common type of incontinence. Women who have had children may experience this situation because their urinary tract has been compromised during pregnancy and childbirth. The leakage happens when they are sneezing, coughing, and laughing or when lifting a heavy object, which puts pressure in the bladder. Stress incontinence is described as the leakage when abdominal pressure is achieved this is most often caused by surgery and lax pelvic floor muscles.
Overflow incontinence is observed in bladders that are not working well because of the impaired sensation, passage destruction, and poor contractility. This happens when the amount of the urine goes beyond the capacity of the bladder, causing the urine to leak. You may have an unpleasant feeling because you feel that your bladder is never empty.
Some people with incontinence experience longer times in the bathroom because of the unpleasant feeling it gives them. Some people control this when they feel that their bladder is again full. This problem may be caused by physical obstructions and an example of this includes the prostate problems that men encounter.
Reflex incontinence is due to neurological trauma or spinal disease when you only have a little or no sensation at all. Also, you do not have control of the bladder which causes leakage. You may not feel your urine coming but notice that leakage took place before you knew it.
People who suffer with more than one type of incontinence experience mixed type incontinence. This means that you may have stress incontinence that may become functional incontinence. When a patients symptom does not fall into the types of incontinence as explained above, most definitely, it is considered the mixed type incontinence.
Incontinence may be the result of some surgical procedures brought on by rectal surgery or prostate and caesarean surgery. Treating the different types of incontinence must be decided with a plan. It may take a physical examination, analyzing your medical history and lengthy discussions with your doctor to establish a proper diagnosis.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Total Curve Promotes Breast Health
Total Curve Promotes Breast Health
Breast cancer kills women. On average, breast cancer accounts for almost ten per cent of all cancer deaths in women, accounting for over half a million deaths in women world-wide, and almost one per cent of all deaths each year. Most deaths from breast cancer occur in the United States.
These are discouraging stats. They're made more discouraging when you consider that breast cancer is often preventable. While some cases are hereditary, more often than not, lifestyle, diet, exercise and other factors play a role in determining a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.
Total Curve believes that awareness of the issue is an important step in preventing breast cancer, while enhancing overall health in women. That's why we've written this article. We think you'll agree that knowledge is power, and with it comes the chance to save lives.

Breast cancer occurs most commonly in the breast's milk ducts, or the lining that supplies the ducts with milk. Eighty per cent of breast cancers are discovered when the carrier discovers a lump on her breast. Timing is crucial to a positive outcome. The earlier it's detected, the better the outlook for survival. Treatments for breast cancer include hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
Statistically, an American woman has 12.5 % chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime, with a one in 35 chance of death. While genetics play a role in determining the likelihood of breast cancer, it's a minor cause, at five per cent. The most common cause of breast cancer, by far, is lifestyle. Excessive alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise and obesity – especially after menopause – are leading causes of breast cancer in women.
Age is also a factor. Only five per cent of breast cancer patients are women under 40.
This makes it even more important to adopt healthy living habits when you're young. The list of breast cancer-preventing habits is extensive.
You can start by eating mushrooms and drinking green tea. A recent study of over 2,000 women suggests that women who regularly ate mushrooms had a 50% lower rate of breast cancer. When combined with green tea, the risk was lowered by 90%.
In fact, make vegetables a staple of your diet, especially brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts). Studies show that women who consume one and a half servings of brassica vegetables every day have a 42% reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Brassica vegetable consumption works inversely to breast cancer risk. The more brassicas consumed, the lower the risk.
Avoid obesity, especially after menopause. A recent study concluded that an added weight of 22 lbs after menopause increased breast cancer risk by 18%.
Alcohol and second hand smoke are also leading causes of breast cancer. Studies have conclusively found a link between women who consumed two units of alcohol each day increased their chances of developing breast cancer by 8% and increased proportionately for every additional drink. Second hand smoke, particularly in pre-menopause women, increased the likelihood of developing breast cancer later in life by an astounding 70%!
Total Curve can help you reduce your risk. We've strategically placed buckwheat and watercress in our Total Curve Daily Supplement because they're both proven to increase overall breast health in women. What's really encouraging though is that new medical evidence suggests that watercress is a powerful inhibitor of breast cancer. In a recent British study, scientists concluded that watercress interferes with a protein responsible for breast cancer. In fact, evidence from the study suggests that watercress simply 'turns the breast cancer signal off', stopping the cancer growth on the spot.
This is good news for women and another reason to let Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy enhance your body with beautiful, natural and healthy breasts.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
How to Improve Your Memory
How to Improve Your Memory
Those first signs of slipping memory can be a little alarming – especially if you know the dreariness of that route. You may first see it in your 40s, or even younger, with memory loss symptoms like slower facial recall or where you left your keys.
What groceries were you supposed to buy? Wait – you forgot your grocery list at home.
While it’s normal to forget things on occasion, it’s a pattern to watch. The makers of Brain Pill natural memory supplement believe it’s important to keep your brain active. Challenge your memory – just like a muscle, give your brain a good workout daily with these memory-boosting tips courtesy of Brain Pill:
Use Your Memory Daily – Your brain needs a workout just like the rest of you. It’s a case of ‘use it or lose it’, so use your brain every day. Try crosswords, for example, or read a section of the newspaper you’d normally skip. You might also take a different route to work, for example, or learn another language or how to play a musical instrument.
See Your Friends – You’re not an island, dude. Depression and stress can both lead to memory loss, which is why you’ll want to socialize often – especially if you live alone. Be with others and take them up on their invitations. Life gets better when you do.
Organize Your Life! – You lose points with a cluttered home because you’re more likely to forget stuff. So make lists and notes of appointments and things to do in a special notebook or on your calendar. Heck, download an app on your iPod and write down what needs to get done. Speak it out loud too, to reinforce it in your memory, and check-off your tasks when completed.

While we’re on the subject, try to stay focused on the task at hand and limit distractions. You’re more likely to recall information if you concentrate specifically on that rather than multi-tasking. Put another way, focus on what you want to remember later and you’re in better shape to remember it quickly.
Sleep Well – Shut-eye helps your memory. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. So make time for adequate rest – go to bed earlier if you have to and work on your sleep hygiene. Your memory will thank you when you try to remember stuff the next day.
Eat Healthy – Do you see a pattern here? Your memory likes healthy living. That extends to your diet, with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Opt for low-fat protein, like fish and skinless poultry. Drink plenty of water too, and watch the alcohol intake.
Exercise Daily – This boosts blood flow throughout your body. That includes your noggin. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (like walking) each week, says the Department of Health and Human Services, or 75 minutes of something with greater intensity, like jogging, though even a few 10 minute brisk walks per day will suffice in a pinch.
Stay in Touch With Your Doctor – Chronic conditions can affect your memory, to say nothing about the rest of your health. So follow your doctor’s recommendations, be it for depression, your kidneys or anything else in your medical history. Review your medications often with your doctor as well – some medications can reduce your memory.
Try Brain Pill
We can’t end an article on how to improve your memory without mention of Brain Pill natural memory supplement. That’s because it’s simply rocket fuel for your brain; a cognitive booster with clinically proven nootropics like cognizine, vinpocetine and ginkgo biloba, which increase alertness and blood flow in your brain.
Studies also suggest the ingredients in Brain Pill enhance and may even protect memory. They don’t call it ‘Your Unfair Advantage’ without good reason – better memory is linked to higher cognitive function. Your brain is more efficient with a sharp memory, which gives you better intelligence, and the financial and social rewards that go with them.
Try Brain Pill to improve your memory. Combine it with the memory-boosting tips we’ve discussed in this article, and you really do have an unfair advantage. Your memory will like it too, and you may finally have a solution to that pain-in-the-butt issue of where you left your keys!
Friday, September 11, 2020
All foods can cause fat creation, but certain foods actually help burn fat. Some foods
have minerals or vitamins that raise metabolism and act as virtual fat burners. There are
negative calorie foods with low calories that burn extra calories during digestion. Other
foods, even eaten in small quantities, deliver a feeling of fullness with very little calories.
Sticking to the right whole foods will drastically reduce the fat profile of your body.
By eating these fat burning foods at the right time, in the correct amount, the body fat
profile starts to reduce. Add in foods that lower the likelihood of fat depositing in your
body for an extra boost. Here is a list of everyday foods that double as secret fat
Poultry such as chicken has special assets that increase the body’s metabolic rate,
helping you melt extra fat away. Chicken is low in fat and carbohydrates with a good
protein profile. Proteins require a lot of energy to digest, and more energy for proteins
to be stored as fat. It is also a great source of iron, zinc, and niacin. For best results,
remove the skin from poultry before eating to avoid excess fat.
Salmon & Tuna
Salmon and tuna are good sources of protein that provides the body with healthy fats
from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Both meaty fish, while satisfying, are also low in
calories and unhealthy saturated fat. Eating salmon positively effects leptin, the
hormone responsible for burning and storing calories. High leptin levels cause the body
to store fat. Salmon and tuna reduce leptin, giving your metabolism the boost it needs
to burn calories.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruit hikes up the metabolism while supplying a big dose of vitamin C, a chemical
used in the process of fat burning. Citrus fruits are ranked as the best fat burning foods
you can eat. Oranges, grapefruit, apples and even tomatoes share these fat burning
qualities. With the large variety, mix several varieties to for different flavors and taste.
Citrus fruit effectively burns fat around the hips and waist.
An apple a day keeps the fat away. Apples contain a substance called pectin that
restricts the cells from absorbing fat and assists water absorption from food. This also
helps push fat deposits from the body. The antioxidants in apples may also reduce
excess belly fat from metabolic syndrome. Apples have a high level of soluble fiber that
helps you control hunger pain.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries – take your pick. Fruits as a
whole are packed with vitamins and minerals. They are low on calories and high in water
compared to refined foods. Excellent sources of fiber, berries boost the metabolism,
breaking down food and fats. Naturally sweet and delicious, a handful of berries will
keep you feeling fuller longer and help eliminate the craving for sugary glasses of
artificially flavored, empty calories.
A large portion of oats calorie profile is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps control blood
sugar and helps you feel fuller longer. Oatmeal also lowers the risk of heart disease and
lowering cholesterol. Choose old fashioned or steel cut oatmeal and eat with fresh fruit.
Make sure to monitor your serving sizes during diet phases carefully.
Most vegetables (except for potatoes, yams and sweet potatoes) maintain low calories,
yet contain essential vitamins and minerals that improve the body's metabolism.
Veggies such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots and artichokes contain no fat and
very low carbohydrate levels. In fact, they aid in fat burning since your body uses more
calories to digest vegetables than they produce. The extra calories needed to break
down food are taken from body fat reserves. For example, one serving of Brussels
sprouts has 50 calories, but the body needs 75 calories to digest. That’s 25 calories of
body fat burned just for eating your Brussels sprouts.
Beans are not only full of minerals; they are also low in calories and rich in amino acids.
The amino acids in lentils help decrease body fat while helping build muscles, and
maintain stable blood sugar. In addition, they are excellent sources of dietary fiber
keeping you satiated longer, reducing the urge to overeat.
Eggs, one of the most nutrient dense foods, are a natural superfood. Their high levels of
protein rev up the metabolism and help you burn fat. Eggs are hands down one of the
best fat burning foods. Among other protein foods, eggs have the most abundant mix of
essential amino acids. Despite having low calories, they are packed with vitamin D,
vitamin B12, choline and selenium. It’s been proven eggs don’t contribute to bad
cholesterol, but does improve the good cholesterol needed for a healthy body. Eggs
have all the nutrients crucial for good health.
Almonds & Walnuts
Almond and walnuts are excellent sources of the healthy fats needed for the smooth
functioning of the body’s cell structure. Just an ounce of almonds has 12% of the daily
protein allowance and contains calcium and folic acid. Plus, the form of vitamin E in
walnuts is especially beneficial. A handful of nuts is a tasty, crunchy snack to satisfy
your hunger pains.
Pine Nuts
According to scientist, pine nuts contain an abundance of healthy fatty acids. These fatty
acids help eliminate fat accumulation in the abdominals. Pine nuts also increase satiety
level hormones along with the benefits of fat reduction.
For my best weight loss recommendations click here
Monday, August 17, 2020
This Liver Hormone Burns Fat 20 Hours a Day
Controversy over the weight loss secret of the longest-living doctor in the world reveals:
This often-overlooked molecule in your pancreas is the key to burning fat 20 hours a day.
The secret involves a 30-second "trick" that instructs your metabolism to burn fat for steady, clean energy.
"It's a brand new way of helping your liver to release more glucagon...", says dr. Adrian Miller.
This shocking discovery is quickly going viral:
Rita lost 67 lbs* on this program and Jason 39 lbs*.
87 other American volunteers tried Tom's simple ritual for 4 weeks.
Here’s what happened:
- 90% reported a reduction in belly fat… *
- 92% reported feeling healthier and happier… *
- 100% reported more energy… *
As an unexpected bonus — 79 of the 87 volunteers reported fewer cravings for unhealthy foods.*
This 30-second ritual is designed to work for anyone, at any age.
But the best results can often occur in folks who are over the age of 40.
*Volunteers were aged 42-73 (including both males and females)
*Not a scientific study
*Results not typical and will vary
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Instead of frying in oil or fat, try baking those items instead. Baking does not require all the fat and oil that frying requires and your food is not soaking in those substances while it cooks.
Use non-stick frying pan spray so you don't use oil. Also, pans that are non-stick don't require as much, if any oil.
Boil vegetables instead of cooking them. You can also steam them, as this is probably the healthiest way to eat foods like cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots.
Be leery of no fat and low fat food items. There are many of these food items on the market, but they are not exactly healthy. Many of these food items use some sort of chemical or carbohydrate to sweeten them so that they taste better. However, the body turns these chemicals and carbohydrates into sugar in the body, which means they are still getting turned into fat.
Don't fall victim to crash diets. These are bad for you and do more harm than good in the long run. The short term results are typically that you will lose a few pounds, but once you give them up then everything comes back and your weight is worse the second time around. You cannot survive on a crash diet and you eventually get to a point where you have to give it up.
Chew your food at least 8 to 12 times whether it is liquid food, sweets or ice cream. This adds saliva to the food that digests the sugar. When food isn't eaten properly and is just swallowed, you fill your stomach with food that isn't ready to be digested and it then does not yield the health benefits that you need.
When you are cooking with oil, use a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is more expensive than vegetable oil, but the health benefits are much better and it is worth the cost. Olive oil has been associated with a reduced risk in coronary heart disease and helps to increase the elasticity of the arterial walls which reduces the chance for heart attack and stroke
Jump Start you weight loss program with Garcinia Cambogia Select. Combine with your diet and exercise program, it will help you.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
5 Super Simple Weight Loss Tips
Weight loss is one of those subjects that everyone is always talking about. It seems you cant go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss message. Stories of the dangers of not losing weight appear regularly on the nightly news. Retail outlets and the Internet both are full of weight loss books and products. Weight loss is discussed in medical centers and at schools and even in the work place. If you're trying to lose weight, here are a few tips to get you going.
Tip #1 Stop Talking About Weight Loss!
All that talk about how much you want to lose weight isn't going to make the weight come off. You've got to take action, starting right now. So take this simple advice: Stop moving your mouth and start moving your body! It wont take long to begin seeing the results.
Tip #2 Slow and Steady is Best
Slow and steady weight loss is better (and safer) than riding the dieting roller coaster. If you're looking for long-lasting weight loss results, aim to lose an average of about two pounds each week. In order to lose weight you've got to consume fewer calories than you burn. As a bonus, when you combine dieting with exercise, you'll be reducing your caloric intake and increasing your caloric burn rate at the same time.
Tip #3 Save Your Money
Don't spend your hard-earned money on the latest weight loss gimmicks. Pills, fad diets, hypnosis, and extreme surgical procedures are not the answer! These gimmicks wont slim you down, but they will fatten the bank accounts of those who promote them! Eating a nutritionally-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, good fats and lean proteins will encourage weight loss faster than any miracle cure you can buy.
Tip #4 Weight Loss is a Way of Life
Unfortunately, the issue of weight is something that most people will struggle with throughout life. Excess processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle are the two biggest contributors to this constant struggle. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you've got to change the way you think about food. It should be thought of as a source of fuel, not a passion. Successful weight loss really is about making lifestyle changes, including making the right food choices, and then sticking with those choices throughout life.
Tip #5 Weight Loss is More Than a Number
When you're dieting, don’t become a victim of the dreaded scale. When the numbers go down, happiness goes up. But when the numbers stay the same or go up, it is easy to give up and give in. Remember that even if your weight isn't changing as you would like, your body is. You'll be taking better care of your heart. You'll be lowering your cholesterol levels. You'll be sporting a leaner body and your clothes will begin fitting more comfortably. When you learn to find joy in these other benefits, you'll want to keep on being a loser!