Friday, November 29, 2019

Running Tips - Take Care Of Your Running Shoes

Running shoes are the most important piece of gear that a runner has. A good pair of shoes can keep you running injury free and make your running more pleasant.

The general rule is to replace your running shoes every 400 or so miles. But, there are some tips to help you take care of those shoes and maybe make them last a little longer..

Make sure you are using your shoes only for running. This is a rule that I live by religiously. I know that your running shoes may be the most comfortable pair of shoes that you have - but you need to resist the temptation to wear them everywhere. This is just adding extra wear to your cushioning and the soles..

Here's what I do. I keep my shoes that I've reached the maximum mileage in and wear them for casual wear. There usually still look alright and they're not quite ready to throw away. So, they are still comfortable to wear out and about..

Keep 2 pair of running shoes and alternate days. Another important rule for me. This allows one pair to completely dry inside (and outside if a rainy day previously) before wearing them again. This will also keep them from breaking down too soon..

Make sure you are untying before removing. Growing up in my parents' retail clothing store - this is just something that I do with all my shoes. Don't just kick them off without untying them. It's not good for the back of your shoes where you put pressure to pry them off or the laces. Take the time to remove your shoes properly..

Don't put your shoes onto a heater to dry. If you get caught in the rain, don't stick them on a heater to dry out. Drying out is the key word here - it will dry out your inner shoes and break them down. Just let them naturally air dry. If they are super wet - it's alright to take out the insole for faster drying. (Remember our 2 shoe tip - this is where it helps to have another pair of shoes, so the wet pair can dry completely.).

Never put your running shoes in a washing machine. I won't go into too much detail here - I think it goes without saying how bad that can be for your shoes. If you get into mud, etc, give your shoes time to dry and them brush off the dirt. You never want to submerge your shoes in water..

A good pair of running shoes is not cheap - nor should they be. They are keeping your out on the roads and from being injured. So, make sure you get properly fit - and then take care of them. You'll be so glad that you did!.

Health benefits of running and jogging

As we all know, running has a lot of benefits. In the first place, weight will be reduced through running. And next, bones and muscles' degradation can be avoided through running. Third of all, diseases would not like to invade your body through running. In addition, running will give you more confidence, and running will also reduce your pressure properly.

In the first place, you can say goodbye to a bloated figure through running. The reason that why many people start running is that weight loss can be reduced through running. In order to lose weight, and running is the best way indeed.Running would like to burn more calories per minute than any other sports.

Secondly, running is able to avoid your bones and muscles' degeneration. With regard to our bones and your body, there have to be a coordinate relationship between each other. Our bones is becoming more and more weaker by sitting in front of the monitor for a long-term. However, long and regular exercise can keep your bones healthy. That is to say that our internal body will aging slower by taking this action. Regular high-intensity exercise, such as running, is proved to promote the growth of hormones. Hormone is a kind of continuous medical injection that celebrities use in order to make themselves look younger.

Third of all, running can resist diseases. Running can reduce the risk of stroke and breast cancer. As for patients who are likely to cause or have already in the early stage of osteoporosis, diabetes, and hypertension, doctors would like to suggest them to conduct frequently running. Fourthly, running can maintain and improve the overall level of the body.

Running is the best sport that people can take to exercise body. It can improve cholesterol, reduce the risk of blood clots, and exercise fifty percent of your lung that always in regular and idle state. Running can also increase your lymphocytes, so as to strengthen your immune system.

Fifthly, running will make you more confident. Be the same to other single exercise, jogging can help you own more confidence. Running let you try again and again, which would make you more powerful, and be more positive about yourself. It allows you to truly across a mountain and pass through a barrier. You will be given power and sense of freedom when you are conscious that you have a stronger body. Self-confidence is a valuable asset of the runners who have had a successful weight loss and have reached to the ideal body in his mind by running.

The sixth point is that you would like to relax yourself and reduce pressure through running. Jogging can divert attention, and your troubles will disappear when you are bathing in the roadside scenery. Long-distance race is suitable for those people who are in a bunch of headaches and worrisome thoughts. A long -distance running for two hours will be the best idea to relieve your nervousness and clear your mind than any other ideas. If you feel extremely depressed, why not run at a fast speed, and then a good mood will come to you. At last, it is an easy thing to run, and you also can run at anytime. There is not a lot of sports that can do at any place and almost need no equipment. Today, we just need a good pair of running shoes, and then you can start.

Run Lean Run Strong

All you need to know about

- Nutrition

- Weight Loss

- Strength Training

- Injury Prevention

Click here

Friday, November 15, 2019

Boost Breast Milk Enhancer

Want more milk production? Try one the best products on the market in Boost Breast Milk Enhancer. Babies are so precious and as parents we want to give them the best. For many women the best food for them (breast milk) doesn’t product quickly enough or doesn’t provide enough to satisfy the baby’s appetite. Many women give up after a few days, weeks, or months and switch to formulas. Even though formulas can.

Breastfeeding protects your baby from a long list of illnesses

Breastfeeding can protect your baby from developing allergies

Breastfeeding may boost your child's intelligence

Breastfeeding may protect your child from obesity

Breastfeeding may lower your baby's risk of SIDS

Breastfeeding can reduce your stress level and your risk of postpartum depression

Breastfeeding may reduce your risk of some types of cancer

Get Your Boost Here

Varicose Veins - Ask the Doctor Series

Christine Chung, MD, RPVI answers your questions about Varicose Veins as part of the Ask the Doctor Series presented by NYU Winthrop Hospital.

Venorex™ is a professional strength formula that provides a natural alternative to expensive laser procedures. It contains a highly concentrated botanical complex, active plant extracts, anti-aging peptides, vitamins and other specially selected ingredients to help reduce the appearance of varicose, spider and thread veins on face and body. The Venorex program also comes with a results based eBook. You'll learn which foods help decrease veiny appearances, which exercises work best, and even how to substantially reduce visible veins by simply fixing your posture.

Get Venoex here

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Health Testing Centers........... A Great Idea

Easy to order tests. Easy to find blood testing labs nearby. Fast results.

It is my first time using services like this outside of my physician's office. Everything worked well and it is a very simple process anyone can do it easily. The person at Labcorp knows what to do and no questions asked about this web-based order.

Easy process and very quick results.

These are just a few customer reviews of Health Testing Centers. What is Health Testing Centers?

When I first heard about Health Testing Centers, a company that allows you to order lab tests yourself, I had mixed feelings. It seemed like an unusual concept to be able to order these tests yourself. But then I realized that there are many situations when this type of service would be very useful. For example, this would come in handy for patients who simply don’t have a primary care doctor or for those who don’t have insurance but still want to keep on top of their health. It would also be useful for people who are on specific diets and want to check for things like nutritional deficiencies. Or for people who may be hesitant or embarrassed to talk to their doctors about things like testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Another potential use could be to use the service to get your lab work done before your next doctor’s appointment so that you can review the results together. We see a lot of patients who get blood work done with their doctor but then no one ever follows up on the results with them.

So how does it work? It’s quite simple really. You go to the Health Testing Centers website and look at the different test categories. They have basic wellness packages that include the most commonly ordered labs like complete blood count, electrolytes and cholesterol. They also have more specialized labs including things like hormone levels, cardiac tests, cancer screening, and heavy metal levels. You order the package you want and pay for it. Then you go to a local LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics location to have your blood drawn. A few days later, you’ll get an email that your results are ready. Simply sign in to the website and get your results. That’s it!

If you want to try out Health Testing Centers and take control of your health, check out their site HERE

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Types of eczema

Eczema is the name for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become red, itchy and inflamed. There are several types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and stasis dermatitis.

Eczema is very common. And in many cases, it’s also manageable. In fact, over 30 million Americans have some form of eczema.

Eczema flares often show up on the backs of the knees

Living with eczema can be an ongoing challenge. The word “eczema” is derived from a Greek word meaning “to boil over,” which is a good description for the red, inflamed, itchy patches that occur during flare-ups. Eczema can range from mild, moderate, to severe.

It’s most common for babies and children to develop eczema on their face (especially the cheeks and chin), but it can appear anywhere on the body and symptoms may be different from one child to the next. More often than not, eczema goes away as a child grows older, though some children will continue to experience eczema into adulthood.

Adults can develop eczema, too, even if they never had it as a child.

Eczema is not contagious. You can’t “catch it” from someone else. While the exact cause of eczema is unknown, researchers do know that people who develop eczema do so because of a combination of genes and environmental triggers. When an irritant or an allergen “switches on” the immune system, skin cells don’t behave as they should causing an eczema flare-up.

Common Eczema Symptoms

What does eczema look like?

Dry, sensitive skin

Red, inflamed skin

Dark colored patches

Itchy rash - difficult to detect in infants, but sleeping disorders are an indication

Rough, scaly and thickened skin

Oozing eczema patches

Scabs form on the patches

Most Common Eczema Triggers

Irritating products:

Fragrances, soaps, laundry detergents

Home cleaning products

Irritating clothing: wool, synthetic fabrics, etc.

Environmental factors:

Dust, dust mites and pollens, which are naturally present in the air

Tobacco and pollution

Changes in temperature

Heat & sweat

Very dry air

Lifestyle factors:


Emotional stress

Food allergies


Changes in hormone levels

Eczema treatment can be found here